Your ingame name: Lochie52 The offender's ingame name: tobyranger12 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Scamming The deal was that I gave him a diamond sword with sharpness 5 on it and he gives me a silk touch shovel, we started to dispute who should drop first, so after like a couple of minutes of disputing I decided to drop it. Then he started to go on about how I only gave him a sharpness 3 sword (when I definitely did give him a sharpness 5) and said that he was going to report me for scamming, and then he gave me a sharp 4 sword back and saying that this was the one I gave him (when he said I gave him a sharp 3?) I have a screenshot of what sword i gave him and the sword he gave back, let it be noted that the sword i gave him was Evidence/screenshots. This was before he came, because I had a feeling that he would try scam me This was when he scammed me and dropped the sword This is the word he gave me Just note that my sword was damaged and the sword he gave me is not
What are you trying to do. Its not even real, you taked a screen about your sharp v you put it in your chest and after you taked a sharp iv and you gived me it, and its now that i says '' Hey you tryed to scam me ill report you'' and then i gived your sword back. At all you just put your sharp V away after you taked a screen
Stop lying tobyranger, its pretty strange how you happen to reply so fast. you replied so fast because you know that you scammed me and you were hoping that I didn't put this report up You scammed me and you know it, and this isn't even your first report, so everyone knows you are untrustworthy. We had a deal and you didn't give me the shovel and I gave you a sharp 5 sword so stop lying. You even said "if I don't drop you can report me". I know you lie to get your way out of everything but I hope this time they catch you out. I guarantee I'm not the first person he has scammed
Look, i replyed realy quick because you tell me in game that you post a report of me, and i was like why did he did that for nothing, and you msg me after ''Im reporting you so you can get ban and stay ban for ever'' and i was sad so i reply the fast does i can for tell to everybody here about you trying to scamm me What you done for trying to scam me -You tell me sharp V and you gived me a sharp iv, the proof is that you screenshot your sharp V and put it away and give me a sharp Iv -Then i say ill report you for trying to scam (cause im not stupid and i knew that you was trying to scammed me) -And finaly you trap me so many time, you grief me once ( not just me, our hole team) and you tryed to scam too many people -At all, i hope mod are smart for understand that the scammer here is not me, but you!
OMG STOP LYING Where is your evidence that I said that or that I griefed you, or that I trapped you. You have none cause it didn't happen!! Who is your team cause I me and you were team, so I bet they were teamed with me as well!!! So stop lying and stop scamming people. Oh and you said I gave you a sharp III but then you drop a sharp IV sword... think before you do, because you just lied and I caught you out And why would I report you if I scammed you (not that I did) it doesn't make any sense, you're the scammer and I hope the admins and mods see what I see, cause quite frankly I am sick of you scamming people
No, i didin't make a report about you griefing or trolling or trapping because i'am a nice guy, alot of people know that. Thats why they like me, im always nice.
Well, i cannot say nothing anymore, you always say that its lies so, im done whit this report, if i get ban, i get ban and thats all ok. But you have to know, thats all your crap isin't real -Toby
1. You didn't make the report cause their was nothing to report on cause it didn't happen - lying again 2. You are not a nice guy, a lot of people know that - Scamming isn't classified as being a nice guy 3. You cannot say anything more because you have run out of lies to tell, so they should ban you cause you are a scammer who is disrespectful to other players!!!! Oh and should i upload the screenshot of you swearing???
What can you expect, Toby claims to be 19 and working a ubisoft but yet he can't believe someone can be older then him.
You wasn't there at all....What are you trying to do, im sure that you are lochie, you just create another account. Because it says that your a new member.
Advice From Me (been an admin on several servers) There Isn't Enough Evidence. Both Players Should Be Given A Warning And Move On. Simple As That.