Im DrPeperBoy The hacker is Gnarliest Here is the video of aimbot. Look at the end of the video and notice how he never missed me.
************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************I see no hacks. @PopIs_MyLife what do you think?
********************************************************************************************************************************************************** Sorry I wasn't told that :P. I still don't think these are hacks, just skill/good ping.
*********************************************************************************************************************************************'I'm almost 100% sure that is hacks. I think his hacks was off at the start, but then afther a bit when he started to get low, he turned them on. We can see that is hack at the end of the video when he die. I cannot ban him right now, since I gtg very soon. :/ but lola was on.
The end is a bit suspicious, however we need more proof than that, in order to really tell if the person was hacking. Hidden Content: You must reply before you can see the hidden data contained here.
**********************************************************************************************************************************' Pop are you sure? When I'm looking at the end he is like looking in the wall while killing him.. Oh well I'm not that good about hackers but I'm almost 100% it is.. Well it's up to you.
********************************************************************************************************************************************** Oh, I tought if someone is using hacks at all it's a ban. Oh well, you have more
********************************************************************************************************************************************************** Taking a second look at it, the end does look pretty suspicious. His head was almost completely turned around. However, I still don't think that we can ban this player just for suspicion.
*************************************************************************************************************************This isn't enough evidence to ban. As pops said, he needs to get more evidence. A solid one.
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