This is a video from thorrask I guess. Also how?.. I have never even have hacks or anything like this.. It looks like Afk kill aura, and thor reported this with badman. Not saying anything but this could have some how been something with video. Well I can`t really say much more sine in the video it looks like hacks. Also this may has nothing about it but afther I jailed you and you got mad, you wanted to start a pm with thorr on forum. I would asume it was about me. No evidene thought. Still saying I can have wrong.
Sure, I can`t say you`re lying. I just said what I think. Anyway we will wait for @CypriotMerks and @KatoKillsMyGPA.
I am gonna add something but I am not saying it's true but there is a thing called fake hack. People can set anyone up with a hack and they can also hack with it. Its impossible to tell if you have it unless you pause it, whoever recorded could of used this to set van up, I am not saying this is true but I believe it could be a set up.
Cypriot has stated this case has been resolved under the below thread. As the report is stated as closed, I will be locking and archiving this report. Should there be disagreement with these actions, please let the staff know. Cheers, Melgrath