Your ingame name: Ravineek1 The offender's ingame name: Shreckings A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: hacking Evidence/screenshots i recorded a video but its uploading atm i will post as soon as it uploads
He did what I do, 360 while PvP'ing. If you play on a high sensitivity, such as myself, you begin to do odd things.. One thing I noticed, is you can only hit a player so fast, and between hits (if given the right sensitivity) you could perform 360's or things such as that. There were no hacks shown, . If this player was hacking, he would have been hitting his Pet & hitting you while he was pearling. After reviewing in slow-motion , He missed a few hits, leading me to believe no aura was used. I've spent my time watching this player, and have noted that he is skilled. This doesn't prove me wrong. This report has been deemed invalid.