That's the point, he's making invalid arguments. We, again wouldnt breaking any rules if we were scamming (Which is untrue). This is because this whole thing he's in desperation to punish us for is a rank deal in which anything involved in it is under your own risk. He is trying his best to get us banned which is not going to happen. I suggest you stop making spam, invalid, and unstructured threads brad. Your argument will always be crushed due to the fact the co owners quote verifies that this is all in your hands and mineverse can't do anything to help you. Its nuclears choice, as the buyer, to chargeback and there is really nothing you can do to stop him. Your brother is trying to scare us constantly with "hacking" our account threats. Hey guess what, I have tons of evidence to get him perm banned too. I understand proster thinks he's untouchable but he still has feelings that will be shattered if he's banned. Sure he can try to unban himself but he'll end up being banned again. No one wants to play like that. You both are digging yourself a major hole trying to counterbalance our superiority in this situation.
Mods lock this thread before the kid attempts to flame me. This thread is a duplicate. @PandaBear__ @canucksfan44 @Alexa @Ares_Xena Note: His whole rant is about a rank trade in which mineverse can't help you with it. Your on your own brad, sorry.
first off, this thread is in the wrong section. i am closing and archiving this thread due to the evidence being invalid.