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  • OP Prisons musezeta[Badlerner][Invalid]

    Discussion in 'Reports' started by Jie, Feb 16, 2015.

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    1. Jie

      Jie Active Member

      Jan 22, 2015
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      this is also posted in bugs/glitches because it is also considered a bug / glitch
      Reason for report: Having a glitched in villager that was the product of a bug that provides him with an infinite amount of non legit items.

      Musezeta is abusing this to gain trillions of dollars in op prisons cash, i told terrick NOTHING HAS BEEN DONE even though he said he would deal with it its now days later this is still happening and its very fustrating to the people who have to legitly mine for money

      He had 2 villagers... yes 2! i managed to kill one when he added me to his plot because i didnt want him abusing this he even told me he is going to crash the prices of the items after he makes alot pretty much making everyone who bought them for 1 trillion + each feal pretty dam stupid for doing it.

      i kid you not this guy has dubble chests full of the items the villager sells which include
      -eye of ender (enderchest) / not obtainable other than this bug
      -lapis / not obtainable other than this bug
      -bottle o enchanting / not obtainable other than this bug

      anyway heres the pictures of musezetas villager i swear if i come back tomorrow and he still got it im quitting this server because im losing hope.
    2. Badlerner

      Badlerner Experienced Member

      Jan 9, 2014
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      the vilagers are no longer on his plot.
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