Your ingame name: Dontchallengeme The offender's ingame name: Badlerner - Mod A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: False banning. My oh my.. Where do I start?.. Last night (2/11/2015 - Roughly 10 PM) I was on OP Prison minding my own business. I received a message from a player named BryanTran1 . This player asked if I would repair his damaged Titan pickaxe. (I'm a Titan Rank.. I get these daily). He offered me money, and I turned down the offer, saying I'd do it for free, as I always do. I've said many times on the forums, about how bad of FPS I get, and how 1.8 doesn't help at all. Feel free to look at some of my responses / threads. And , I went from my plot , which is out in the middle of nowhere, to his plot. This caused my laptop to load a bunch of new chunks, and update. Well, I also had music running, the mineverse forums, and Teamspeak running. Hence why I was at my plot, running around, rather than at U mining. I got to this player's plot, and took maybe 3 steps. My screen froze, I could move my cursor arround, and then it said "Minecraft not responding" and it froze my laptop. I waited a second to see if it would fix itself, upon noticing it didn't. I turned off my Laptop. Whenever I reconnected, I minimized my Minecraft tab, and opened up Teamspeak, Once I was in Teamspeak, I came back to Minecraft, and I had a message from this player (Bryan) saying that he reported me, and linked me to the report. I was a bit confused, as to why I was being reported, and he said "I got screenshots of me dropping my pick, and you being offline" . I immediately went to the forums, and message Taylor, informing her of the situation. Taylor asked if she could use that evidence in the report. I didn't mind, I stayed online for another hour, to hour and a half. I was still in teamspeak with alex, GizzBots, and Cryptic_Luxury. Alex and I were talking, and running around our plots, selling rare items and trading with each other. I decided it was late enough (11PM PST) and I said my good-byes, and left. I then got on this morning, to see if I was banned, and I was not yet banned, after returning from school. I was banned with this message " Stealing(Scamming) Appeal at -Bad " Meaning BadLerner took it upon himself to ban me. He banned me , due to a player taking a screenshot of dropping me a pick, and then a picture of me being offline. Did I pick up the pickaxe? No. Did I steal the pickaxe? No. His reason for banning me, was "You were offline for 44 minutes". Yes, Yes I was. I was in bed sleeping, after already contacting Taylor, and informing her. She took the report, and BadLerner stepped over her, and banned me for being "offline for 44 minutes" . I had already talked to taylor and Bryan prior to going to sleep. Bryan got back on after and got off before I did.. I'm a Titan rank! What use do I have in a Titan pick?! This is my ban appeal - Feel free to read his reasoning behind banning me, and how he plans to solve it. This is the most uneffective way. He's taking the word of player, over factual evidence.. I quote as he states " Anyways Bryan told me that he saw you pick up the pickaxe and held it in your hand so I'm going to have to check tomorrow. " I don't have a dirty track-record, and I've never scammed anyone. I was trying to help this player out, and it back fires. I've been almost falsely banned for 'hacks' , after being proven wrong, I've been unbanned. This has never been an issue with me. I've always complimented the staff, and said "They're human" . But this moderator, has been mod long enough to know that factual evidence is the only way of banning someone. If this is how easy it is to get someone banned, then oh god. I'm kind of scared to /fix for other players, or help them in this way. Evidence/screenshots. Find the report against me - OP Prison dontchallengeme Screenshots :
Sorry but you will stay banned until I get on tomorrow so I can check if you have his pickaxes, I don't trust anyone els to do it except cyp so you will wait.
Maybe you're unsure what this thread is, this isn't a ban appeal. This is you being reported for wrong-doing.
This wasn't a false ban, I was doing my job, but I did ban you because on the screenshots it shows you grabbing the pickaxes in your hand and leaving, but you said you lagged out, so if you did steal it you would of re-joined to give it back but apperently you didn't, so I banned you for stealing/scamming. ========================================== ==========================================i Banned you because you were the one that he gave the pick to, and you magicly went offline right after he dropped it or you picked it up, so when i went online to check if you were online, you weren't which means that you didn't return the pick. -Why i think this: Because he showed me his inventory and everything so he didn't have it, plus he told me that he saw you pick it up and since he didn't have it, that meant you did, so i banned you. ==================================== ====================================Who cares if your a titan, from what i saw, you stole that pickaxe. ''Uneffective way'' nope, no one has ever done it in this way, so that's why you think it's stupid, and that's why i'm doing it like that. That Player had evidence and proof, so did i, and that's all i needed to ban you. On your ban appeal I decided to unban you since both of you don't have his pickaxes, so that means the item was removed to get rid of lagg. But this was not an incorrect ban. @KatoKillsMyGPA
His evidence was 3 screenshots. You said " -Why i think this: Because he showed me his inventory and everything so he didn't have it, plus he told me that he saw you pick it up and since he didn't have it, that meant you did, so i banned you." You banned me because a player said he saw me pick up the pick axe.. I've seen the screenshots, there's a plethora of ways that this could have been falsely accused. you don't listen to anything, do you? I said I had been back online, talked to bryan and Taylor (The original person who took the thread) and we discussed. You went out of your way, and stepped over her, and falsely banned a player. You even said you unbanned me due to the fact the item was cleared in clear lag. This was a ban based on "Assumptions" more than factual evidence.. You messed up, and rather than manning up and doing the right thing of admitting it, you're trying to make excuses. It's making you look worse and worse.. Yes, The report against me has been solved, but you've still done wrong as a moderator. Without giving me a chance to voice my side, you banned me for being offline for 44 minutes. I'll reiterate it again in the same message, so maybe you'll listen , I HAD COME BACK ONLINE and talked to Bryan AND Taylor. Bryan informed me of the thread, so I messaged Taylor , because she was online. I provided Taylor with Screenshots of my FPS (which also goes to prove I was back online) . You ASSUMED I hadn't come back online, rather than asking me, or Bryan, and banned me. Do you know how easy it would have been for Bryan to take the time and hide the pick? In a hidden chest / different account / personal vault? You're acting like a child, rather than someone with 'power'. With power comes responsibility, not assumptions. You're a mod - Act like it.
I don't care if you talked to Taylor an Bryan, just because you talked to another mod "that never did anything about this" doesn't mean I couldn't ban you for stealing. I saw what I saw, in the report it had everything, I even went online to check if he had it, and he didn't , but before all this you were a suspect so I banned you since what he told me was true, it was all in the screenshots , and that's all I needed to ban you. -You ASSUMED I hadn't come back online, rather than asking me, or Bryan, and banned me . 1) you think I can trust you just like that? How can I know if you came back online? 2) Bryan told me you came back but never gave him the pickaxe, like you were ignoring him. "You're acting like a child, rather than someone with 'power'. With power comes responsibility, not assumptions." Watch it, that's an offense. " Yes, The report against me has been solved, but you've still done wrong as a moderator." No I haven't. The only time I have messed up was on the forums, as I first became mod, around that week I messed up giving In.points. That's all.
I just want to say that #1 and #2 contradict each other. "I can't trust you " .. "Bryan said ... " Lol.
I have no issues with you, especially not now that we're working together. But this was a bit bogus. Whether you admit it or not.. Once this gets resolved, We won't have any conflict. Just wanting to clarify.