1. Topmass22 2. @Yin or @Badlerner @PandaBear__ 3. http://gyazo.com/1512a80a331116cd1569fb9e51be8034 I don't see how banning Shonal for his black man humping a KFC bucket is bannable.
*********************************Guys, is it true that ScoFu said that it was ok? I mean, he had it for months now, I don't know...
******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************* ScoFu was the one who reported him for god sakes. I'm not why the hell he noticed it now out of all the times he was a Head-Mod, but he was the one who reported it. "The profile picture is extremely inappropriate." - His words.
********************************I don't know why the people are making such a big deal out of it, you just gave him a level 2 ffs :P
*************************************************************************************************************************************************** Holy , right? It's just complete and utter bullshit.
Topmass, Shonal is banned right now because he had recent warnings in the past and Panda just gave him a level 2 infraction in which he got banned but he will be unbanned soon.
even if it's been months that he had the pic, he can still get warning points for it, i only noticed a few days ago that he had that pic. he got banned for refusing to changing his pic and changing it back to it again after it was removed by kato, and in the rules it says that you can't edit what a moderator edited. but yeah like Lola perez said, it was a warning lvl 2, he will be unbanned soon