1. My username is darfielg 2. The offender's name is Leon_D7 3. Today, I noticed [Elite] Leon_D7 was online, a player who had previously stated he would sell villager eggs. I asked him about buying a few, and he said 600 for 5. I payed him this, in which he said for more than 600 I would get 7. He then said "k jokes on you" and disconnected. Very disappointing and annoying. 4. My evidence: It's surprising that he would do such a thing. Anyway, please help me out.
*************************I don't know about this because he asked for 600 and then he payed him only 100 so I don't know... help me out? @VaMeSa123 @PandaBear__
**********************************^******************************************************************************************************************************************* This is not eough evidence. First of all, there no evidence of the 2 players agreeing to the trade. Second I don't anywhere in the screen shots, that the player logged off.b [/HIDE
Nah, that was all I could get; that was the entirety of it. Wouldn't there be something in the server logs though?
Only cypriotmerkz and noobcrew has access to those things, not mods. Also you can't really see in server logs what happened afterwards. Sorry but closing.