My IGN: Slenderende (friend of me) Offenders IGN: Delvaren ( the guy who recorded many people and is now self hacking ) Broken rule: Hacking, no knockback ( in the start), kill aura, aimbot. Evidence: Youtube LINK --->
Evidence of hacking? You need photos / video. Also please use this layout Your ingame name: The offender's ingame name: A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Evidence/screenshots. Thanks,
It did look like hacks, although not %100 the bit near the middle did look like kill aura but not sure. Thanks,
Thats no hacks and i didnt use anti kb do u know why because i was in the corner and in the vines oviercly im not gunno move plus thats no hacks? all you showed was me attacking you like a normal person plus i get kicked alot i wansnt using hacks because i was recording you at the time because i knew you were a hacker. this is not evidence My oppinon
i think delvaren is a hacker i saw him fighting a couple times a vew days ago and it looked like hacking but i dont know it for sure
what i saw was he was fighting a group of diamond guys and he hitted like every 1 around him or was it lagg?
How Thats is possible because i know how to pvp i know all the tactics people use because i use them to and im rreally good at pvp evan ask anyone everyone accuses me of hacks when ever i kill them evan thow i record i dont get it? you guys are all hating me because i killed you all diamant2222 ur posting because i got you banned phillip you posting because i killed you slenderende your posting because i got your friend jerry banned
1. Xd you didnt killed me ;) 2. Jerry is not my friend 3. you dont know how to PvP your hacks know how to PvP 4. everybody says up here! I see the hacks! he uses kill aura, aimbot ;)