On OP Prison, I found a glitch, allowing you to withdraw minus etokens, allowing you to "dupe" them. At the time, I wished to have told you, but just like normal human beings, I had that curiosity. I then decided to add 275 explosive enchants to my Old Lycaon Pickaxe, and then everyone wanted to know about it. I understand that I have done wrong, infact, I could've destroyed the whole server's economy. But I ask only one thing. Let me keep my Old Lycaon (Please remove the 275 explosives if possible) and that is all I ask. Edit 1 = To any non-owner that IS reading this, please know that I am sorry for the inconveniences that I may possibly have caused. Edit 2 = For the sake of avoiding guilt that has landed on my Old Lycaon Pickaxe, I will be using a 150 alpha. Not glitched, I threw all my glitched picks in lava on my plot. Edit 3 = Even though I have broken a rule, I have duped, etc, I would like to say how annoying this mineverse community is. I broke a rule. Nothing more than that. People don't even let me say my side of the story, whether it's wrong or right. NO ONE. I tried my hardest to make sure no one got involved. But OH NO, people just HAD to get in the way. Suiathion, he was one that i sold etokens to. I thought he was a good friend. But instead, he acted as though he was one heck of an enemy, throwing taunts at me, not even saying how wrong it was. I thought I was making a friend, not an enemy. So even as I've broken rules, I'd like to ask the mineverse community one thing : Do you really think that your "actual" friends are real ones? Because today I've learnt they aren't.
Lol, he didn't say anything about it until he was caught red handed. Duping is an offence that is bannable. I'm surprised that you haven't been banned yet. Also, you didn't even earn your glitched Lycaon, you scammed it off Noobcrew by not telling him that it was 2x better then the alphas you lost.. I think it's kind of petty that you're trying to put the blame on the community. Sadly, I think opprison has lost it's spark. Too many things have become broken and abused, therefore making it boring. Enchant tokens are a horrible edition. I strongly disagree with them. I think I've decided to quit opprison possibly, despite all of the effort and time I've put into it.
This indeed. I don't remember you having 1 old Lycaon and now you had 2 (bought one from you to prevent it to go to the market) due to scamming Noobcrew. This is low for a player. I searched for an old Lycaon for ages until I found one I could buy. No respect for you Lap. Until you prove me that you had one, you are just one big scammer in my eyes. Oh and a player on Skyblock got banned for scamming Noobcrew, it has been several months since it and I believe he is still banned.
Oh and I know a player you sold over 1000 E-Tokens to and somehow a player that I've never seen before sold to me 199 E-Tokens. So you've manipulated this glitch and gained money from it. I have some players to confirm that.
Lapfuwong, you abused this glitch to gain trillions of in game money on op prisons, you were being nice by selling me e-tokens but then i realized they were glitched on some how, and really thats not fair, how can you say you were making a friend of me by selling me glitched items that could of gotten me in trouble. You sold e-tokens to ALOT of people. Made picks with fortune 2000+ explosive 1000, if you really want to make up for what you did then go give noobs at warp A all the money you made off this glitch, otherwise you are a bad person for doing what you did. ps im in debt 3 trillion to tubeless because i had to loan alot of money to buy tokens. Now there gone. This is why im angry at you.