Your ingame name: xRisingxXxCometx Moderator name: DaddyHF A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Disarmed me while i was standing in war zone with my best axe : Efficiency V Sharpness IV Unbreaking III. Evidence/screenshots. He Said that he could break up fights but i was just standing in war zone not touching anyone then he just comes and punches me in the face and takes my axe. After he took it he was like YES!!! i finally disarmed you.
More Evidence: DaddyHF also jailed me for using my bow. I understand him taking the bow, but he also took my sword. I was never holding the sword, even once! When I went to the free world, DaddyHF attacked me, but what makes this extraordinary is that he flew after me and shot me with a bow! He kept doing it until Gwism told him to stop. If Gwism wasn't there, I most likely would have died with my good stuff.
First of all I was fighting you and I was using my fists I then disarmed you using the McMMO skill called Unarmed and it has a percentage of disarm skill. I then disarmed you during the fight and was happy that my Disarmed skill is actually starting to kick in better I would say and was happy I got you. So if I can't express my feelings of joy then well let me know. Now you were fighting users and that's why I jumped in so was your friend Alexownskids.
I jailed you for using a Bow so I invsee'ed you and took any Contraband items you had which were a Bow and a Sword so I took them. Now for in the Free world you attacked me a Gwism so we were fighting back I was flying and shooting with a Bow Yes. Do I agree I shouldn't have done that yes I do and glad Gwism told me to stop and fight on foot. Either way I don't think I did anything "Bad' and last time I checked I am allowed to fight back if you hit me which you did and so did your other Faction members as well did.
I rule states in the D mine on Prison that all SEEN items in the players hand will be taken and the player will be jailed. I was not holding the sword. I never even used that sword in the prison before. I only used that sword in the Free world, which is not contraband.
You never even saw the item in my hand. It was just sitting in my inventory. I even asked 3 different guards if guards could take contraband items even if they didn't see them (they said no), which you didn't..
Maybe you should have asked what I did. I saw you using a Contraband Item I then jailed you and invseed you and took all the Contraband Items you had.
Once again, the rule says that guards can take all seen contraband items. You did not see my sword in my hand did you?
You can only take items that you see I know thats a rule a skyped pile when she told me a few days ago
daddy is a good mod there is no perfection to a mod there is always a tweak to a mod. and to me daddy is a good mod i haven't had any issues with him and ive seen him do good.
Daddy is a good Guard but he's new the unarming thing gets annoying you always hit me with your fist to get your power up when I'm not in any fights which is annoying.
Alright we are getting very offtopic and it just seems like a flame war is happening so this is obviously not getting anywhere.
^ This clearly is going nowhere. It'll end up like the other threads accusing him of doing his job. Locking to prevent further escalation.