Your ingame name: tobyranger12 The offender's ingame name: IN1NJAI A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: He was spamming me insult and seriously, its realy immature and its against the rules. Evidence/screenshots.
Toby listen. I said those things because you were saying my full name in messages. I do not even freaking know you in real life. You traced my IP to know where I live and my name. Also, nice hack client. I see the coordinates in the top left.
And its called not enought item cause you have rei's minimap and everyone know that you can disactivate rei's minimap and just see the coordante lol
In the server's rules, it says no cursing. I did not curse, did I? Everything I said was blocked out..
I was messaging you those things because you were messaging me back. Next time you make a report, include the entire story.
... toby just drop it, its just a little language, and it was even blocked out, u shouldnt be revealing ppls info on the server because it can be dangerous for them. Also u shouldnt be using mods on the server...
Closing to prevent further escalation. If you would like to continue arguing, take it to PM. It wasn't even full cursing.