Dj @Agent Android Ok, I'm about to rage about a lot of things in this essay-like report. Sorry, but this is what I keep on seeing on the server, and it tears me apart. I respect the majority of the team because I know it's a tough job, & a lot of people criticize you all, but this, this is getting ridiculous. Point #1: @Agent Android Ok, time to cut the crap. This is getting ridiculous. Before I even get onto everything you've been doing, lets look at this: Yes, this is a mod, telling a player to get a life. Think about that for a moment, please. Now, I have never, ever, seen another mod do this, in my year of being here. From the first generation of mods, although some have been demoted for various reasons, never ever have I seen a mod do this to another player. You legit just completely disrespected him. That is disgusting, to tell someone else that they have no life and "I have a real life". For that, I can never respect you, nor can the many others who saw that indecency. But, lets move on. Point #2: Please, 1 month of inactivity? And then you have the audacity to say "Back! My minecraft is fixed!". Is that a joke, or am I missing some sarcasm here? That excuse is perhaps lower than the "my dog ate my homework" excuse! Ok, I will give you the benifit of the doubt for a second, lets say a dog ate your account or something (I'm thinking how you would think). However read this again 1 month off of forums? Whats your excuse for that, "I forgot my password"? Even if your minecraft is broken somehow, you can still join forums & keep up! Why, @VaMeSa123 doesn't even have all her powers, & she's on every single bloody day! Like, what is this? If you weren't planning to be dedicated, then don't apply. 3rd point: You're in /god & blocking chests. This is what defines abuse. You legit went into /god to save your chests while uncle couldnt touch you. I think I'm done here, if you choose to keep him, I give up. Have a nice day, ~Dj Final argument: You do something called "time refresh". Its when a mod comes on for like 10 seconds & leaves so they can have a good /seen time. You can tell it is this because you can see the 2 times are very very close to each other. This is pathetic. I think I'm done here, if you choose to keep him, I give up. Have a nice day, ~Dj(Ps. Putting this in discussion, people need to see this).
1: I could care less, you have been making excuses for your crappy behavior for ages. You can't just call a player a no life, that makes you look like a scumbag 2: No, Iooked at all of your postings that you have ever made 3: Why would you protect chests already raided? Whats the point? We can very easily check the logs bud XD Final: Kit? You dont get kits as a mod? Lmao, please, don't lie. And even if you're prepared to lie about THAT, explain this
I would like to add some evidence on this. 1) As Dj stated what you said here was very rude. Why are you talking to players like this. Everyone here have a life. I'm a 16 years old, with a job. I got after school activities, friends and family to spent time with. Sco is a married man with a job, yet we both still find time for MV. We all get insulted. Do you see any mods insult the players back? No. Not only that you were rude, you also started a flame war. That just proved that you are immature. 2) Sco already talked to you about your inactivity. You replied with this: Sco tagged you in a report, and you still have not taken any action. Check reports again. Here's another one: 3) You also banned players without evidence This was taken directly from your ban log. You banned a player for anti KB, and this was your evidence. A screen shot of KB sword doesn't prove anything. That's like a player saying that they hack, and you ban them without actual evidence. Really didn't even put any evidence..... What that hell. :L That's all I have to say.
She didnt leak anything. If she was leaking she would screenshot the whole convo not only one message.
1) You should know that you need evidence to ban a player. What happens if that player make an appeal, and ask to see the evidence? You can say that you saw the player hacking, and they can deny it. You have nothing to back up your ban. Nothing at all. 2) You read that completely wrong. I was giving an example of my life. How I still find time for MV. 3) The reports are private, no one will see this but moderators and the reporting player. Plus Sco approved that I can add more evidence to this report.
For the second statement, I have had current mods approach me & tell me that they have never seen you ever before. I asked people on factions who you were, no one knew. & even if you had no minecraft, you couldve joined forums. But you made the choice not to.
******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** @ScoFu13 agent resigned, do i close it or only you can.