3. Minor Offenses Posting in Ban Appeals, Reports, or Help when not directly involved or adding evidence. Repeat level 2 offences can be seen and enforced as though it/they were a level 3 infraction. Are you adding evidence? No. Are you DIRECTLY RELATED? No.
This isn't rate abuse btw BBY stop trying to ban me for not agreeing with you [Edit] Zulfqar Stop pretending to be a millionare and hating on me aswell
http://prntscr.com/61xahu There you go It depends on how you see it. To be rate abuse, it has to be 3 negatives. Fred gave two negatives and one neutral. On the other hand, disagree is kind of a negative rating but changed so it isn't so harsh for the players... idk you mods decide. And learn to use stars with hidden content.