Daddy is not abusing his powers people need to respect other people come guys. think about whos the person whos been bad? - gangsta. You might think "WHY" because I was on and it is not abuse daddy needs to have respect and so to all other players why should it be his fault I bet you would agree with me. NOT ABUSE! GANGSTA IS THE ABUSER
I don't exactly like the term "Gay" as you could be calling people names who are homosexual if you are going to say stuff like that then please atleast say homosexual.
First off I didn't say gay I said " Daddy and I are boyfriend and boyfriend" also stay out of here your banned on every gamemode on mineverse.
Ok so you come on your Alt account saying it's your brothers yet I call you a sick person and miss spelled sick and said "Suck" instead and now you say you are going to report me for that. Ok well when you do here's our conversation: In order
You had no need to ban that account he never disrespected you, spammed you, or hacked to get a temp ban so what for?
One last thing I was temp banned for saying Daddy and I are "Boyfriend and Boyfriend" Yet he says this