1. bananaman11223 2. Scorpio_venom, TADS4, TheGmaster2000, cxjz, sigi234 3. First of, I don't give a crap what these kids say but it looks bad when people see bullying in chat so I am here to report it. I donated 250+ dollars to this server and I find it ridiculous how I am being bullied by morons in game. I was constantly being attacked by people calling me a "noob" every 5 seconds. One kid even put a poll up in chat saying if I was a noob. Shameful kid says he's 15, I don't believe it. People like this really can't change as I have seen in the past so if you think its a good idea to let pariahs of with a warning, you are mistaken greatly. Bullies need to go and don't deserve a second chance on mineverse. @PandaBear__
Thank you for your report. The reported player has been warned. This thread has been moved to Reports - Archives.