Your ingame name: gangstallama456 Moderator name: daddyHF A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: He abused his powers he jailed and muted me for three days for saying where boyfriend and boyfriend in chat. Anyway whats wrong with being gay if I said we were boyfriend and girlfriend we wouldn't have this. Evidence/screenshots.
I really do not care to see this thread as you are reporting me for jailing you for 3 days as you were implying I had a boyfriend which obviously means you are calling me "Gay" so I jailed you for Staff Disrespect for 3 days now deal with it.
I said I was your boyfriend a joke and what if I said you had a girlfriend that would have been a different story.
I am posting here because I am directly involved... Daddy, as I know, gangsta was implying that you and him were in a "relationship", not you and another guy. He was simply joking and trying to have fun.
Well I am sorry but I am not getting the fun with you and him trying to pick on me while I am doing my job, Call it abuse it doesn't really matter to be as I am enforcing the rules that need to be. And if you can't follow then quit. Simple. I don't need you to come make a thread saying I abusing me power because I am doing my job.
I don't think I need to provide evidence for your remarks if that is the case well then you can be unjailed and I'll be sure to record your actions next time .
Because I am the only "Active" Guard on Prison who is on from 9am to 10 to 11PM every single day. So mostly reports are on me because I am the one who is on jailing kids like you.
hmmm pile is active on every game mode along with prison and she has been guard for what 4 months and you have been guard for 4 days and you already have more reports then here.
FYI If you're reporting a moderator please make sure you have solid evidence or don't make a thread at all. If you false report a moderator just to get them demoted you will be punished."
Ok and I Enforce more then her obviously. I make sure kids like you are in line and not breaking the rules. Now also go back to ontopic and lets not get offtopic .
Make sure you read my comments from above "I don't think I need to provide evidence for your remarks if that is the case well then you can be unjailed and I'll be sure to record your actions next time ."
Last question would you have jailed me for saying that your straight? Yeah no so you think gay is an insult apparently.
If someone called you gay would you not take it offensive? If not well people do . Anyways I need to get off and get some sleep hope you rest nicely I hear the jail cell beds are stiff :(. So Night I'll be on in the morning to see what happen after this .