Racoon keeps spamming arrows, and killing chickens I can not get proof of the chickens but here are some screenshots of the arrows
If you do not believe me I do not have anymore evidence but in the 3rd picture he has 3 arrows fired at once, also I don't think Clear lag is that slow.
Fryzigg I feel I annoy all of you so I am deleting my Account on this, or signing of forever. this is my last report BradG14 scammed me a rank god. although I lack lots of evidence, like video proof of me buying the chest out of stock I have pictures of the shop out of stock, brad congratulate me, and brad denying it after. I have learned from the past that admitting isn't good evidence but I can respect you're decision on this manner.
The only missing criteria is that you, yourself made it out of stock like you bought the last thing and then showing out of stock, sorry but you almost had it. And with the first report it depends on the force he did and the distance. Closing