BradG14 Got desperate after I sold lots of items to him and made him go down money so he created a deathwarp here are some images of the warp, also he said to a friend he got someone to hack his rank. although i have no evidence of that because my keyboard died :(
I have been to /warp payless a few times myself and it has never been any different then the spawn on the glass above the lava. You may be trying to make it so it looks like he advertised a deathwarp. Unless you can show me video proof of him advertising a warp and you going to it and dying, then there is not enough proof with this.
Ok since you didn't trust me on that I also have got evidence of him scamming me, I know admitting isn't always enough evidence, and I don't have evidence of me buying out the diamond shop But he did scam me on this to if this isn't enough evidence Don't bother responding just close the thread
For this contest you did not need to Buy every diamond you just needed to get the last one so it was out of stock