My name: Onm224 The cheater name: Flare_snuggles I was in my base and yesterday he tped us with a potion of invisivility, he stealed us all our ores (diamond, gold...). Today he came again with a friend, I hidded inside my castle, and Flare_snuggles, used his powers as an [elite] to tp to me inside because he couldn't get in, he tped without me accepting it. I logged out as fast as I could, please do something because he now can kill us and steal with his cheats. I can't enter to factions because now he has a quik tp setteled there! HELP! evidence: I couldn't make any screenshot, but he now is possibly in my base and I can't enter, because he will kill me... :(. Please give him a warning, or meet me in the server and you'll see they will come and teleport to me "Magically".
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