Your ingame name: thunder469 The offender's ingame name: taylor1211 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: disrespect Evidence/screenshots. She said in her own words, Stop creating inboxes with me for the 10th time. You are getting on my nerves. I find that kind of hurt full from a mod I thought mods where to help people not to ignore people. I know she moderates other servers, but she is immature for a mod. She doesn't take being a mod seriously.
I said that because you are not listening to me. You keep creating inboxes and ban appeals when it isn't going to help your appeal get accepted at all. I'm not ignoring you. Just trying to assist you, sorry you found it disrespectful.
I just want more attention because I wuld like to be unbanned by this winter break. And I accept ur apology
Like I said, you appealed too quickly. Wait a week or so and I will consider accepting or denying your appeal. But this isn't what this report is about. @ScoFu13
You can't retort a staff because you don't like their decision. If you don't like the consequences, don't break the rules. Please don't spam our staff and familiarize yourself with ban appeal rules. If you continually spam them about it, your appeal will take longer. This is an invalid report.