I saw you with it. I didn't see anyone else. I saw you only. I will look for that other player? What's his IGN I'll make sure too look out for him.
I am not sure what his exact name was but he was running around killing multiple people with his iron axe/sword trick. If I see him again I will be sure to tell you his name. However I did not have any sword other then a wooden one out during that fight. It was even damaged which you must not of noticed with /invsee.
It is not in the rules that we can not have them nor are they listed as contraband. Darkchyldeone has also said that they are not contraband and he will not take them.
You shouldn't lose it unless it is added into the rules or someone of high authority says they are contraband. Edit: I'm going to head out for tonight since it is quite late here. I'll check back in when possible, have a good night everyone.
No, They are a Contraband you can ask Cypriot himself. The Rules are the same as it is for Prison2, The rule board hasn't been added yet due to Noobcrew/Cypriot not adding it yet it will be added soon so do not tell me where you need to go find the rules where I told you many times I don't care if you disagree with me or not about me telling you but I did and I made sure of it. As for @Darkchyldeone I believe she might be talking about Prison2 as she/I have been allowing users to user all the items on the Contraband list except for lava/flint and steel since the new prison has taken all the players it seems like and now the old one has the ones who still love it more then the new (Personally I like the old better) Anyways go to /prison2 then go to /spawn if you aren't already there and look at the rules and make sure you understand them Thank you. And @Dirty_Ninja @Pile_of_Butts Please close this thread as it has been handled and dealt with Thank you. Edit: Forgot to mention, I will only take the Sword if I personally see it myself in your hand not /invsee as that would be unfair and not right it would abusive and would make me a corrupt staff member. If you refuse to give it up I jail the user, If you keep complaining why you are in jail I extend the time, If you are using caps and screaming you head off I will mute you, the times increase the more you do it or if you are a recurring offender. So I just want you to understand I am not here to be abusive I am here to enforce rules and obey them myself. If I am told different from Noobcrew/Cypriotmerks I will change my decisions on what I need to enforce on what they provide me. Thank you and I appreciate you trying to understand the rules and such but I try to tell you many times and obviously you won't listen but I can't blame you for that.
Daddy, your job as a guard is to help people and answer their questions. I understand that you might have been busy, but you could have told the guy to hold on...
I agree he abuses his power he makes up his own rules I don't know where half of them are coming from. Also he doesn't warn people they are getting kicked what if they are in combat.
I'm not gonna read through all of this, but Rizs, you seem to have a problem with authority... Don't disrespect staff members.