I was selling a regen potion to Asian Finest_ but he didn't want to pay first so i told him no deal until you pay and he said he had pay me but he actually didn't but since it was just 7$ deal i didn't bother to record so i have no evidence of him trying to scam me only saying to me so i try to sell my 12 regen potions and P4 set when SourpatchSpartan msgs me saying he will buy everything for 500 i accept and accept to give him the stuff first because hes a God and don't think its worth it to get banned in this server wasting 100 for nothing than later on Asianfinest_ comes and steals two regen bottles and SourPatch says its ok and i keep giving him the stuff and than he says Scam and then get scammed i have no evidence of the deal with AsianFinest_ so i cant prove that he didn't payed me but i do have proof of SourPatchSpartan confessing of scamming me so yeah
I cannot ban SourPatchSpartan and AsianFinest_ because you don't have evidence of him actually stealing the items. However, their use of language against you is inappropriate. Both players will be warned.
Thank you for your report. The reported player has been warned. This thread has been moved to Reports - Archives.