I have 2 reasons why this creature isn't qualified to be a mod. Her version of safety is flying around and looking for "Hackers" and the annoying thing is he/she blocks my shots when I'm in a bow fight (By accident of course) and she makes useless ban threats. People say every day about jokes about hacks. I said "Quickfire shoo your making my kill aura target on you" and he/she said "say that once more and I'm banning you" I start speaking portages "ERMAGAWD POTTY MOUTH IM CALLING 911 CHARLETS ON THE DANCE FLOOR, WOOAHOO" (Not really she muted me" and heres some screenshots of my "Glorious" adventures with her, Mind that i've never made a staff report ever, and i've been on thousands and thousand and thousands of servers. So time to get to the screenies Some of the screenshots went missing, I couldn't seem to find them but these people might say staff disrespect but theres also another side, @Chriscutey12 and idk anyone else so allow me to give you a brief story in the argument of both sides, against myself, and quick. So, I was on the hill with green ninja in a bow fight, @quickflame chose to walk in and hang out in the middle of the bow fight, and arrows don't go thru god mode so you know what I'm saying. So I said "Quickflame shoo your making my kill auras target you" and then quick goes "I will ban you for Admittance to hacking" so then this whole thing happened on me singing "Hit me baby one more time!" and then @_R_E_D_B_O_X_ said "Im scared" then I went "Im block" then after a few seconds he said "Why are you so mean?" (Bet he was in a pvp fight) and I went "Why you gotta be so ruuuuudeee" (song) and then quick kicks me, I got "Hit me baby one more time!" (song). And then I go "Foda-ce nahoua bosta" (something in portages) and quick mutes me and threatens to ban me. I think this server should be first class, with top notch mods. Example glad and Pile. I don't know if this staff reports good enough but its something. Take my word for it, I'll keep posting proof every time I get the chance. If its now or next year. Thanks doods #TaylorSwiftFuheva
First of all, look at the title. Do you think that is appropriate? I have multiple screenshots of you disrespecting me. Here ya go! First off, when you said "I have kill aura, don't come near me or I'll hit you." As having the job of a moderator, hacks are strictly against the rules, especially in KitPvP. Then, he said this. do you know porteguese? I said, no, and this is what he said," Foda-ce nahoua bosta" I used google translate, and here's what I found. http://gyazo.com/567550cccb4eca80109fa698d5f8878c Then he said that he would unban himself with "proxy".
2 Things, everyone knows im legit. And the translator is wrong, get a brain. What I said was "F*** you street sh**
As i see both sides of the story Firstly quickflame is still in training and is getting used to things but there is no evidence of him actually interuppting the bow fight, but you were also disrespecting him. I admit I made plenty of mistakes when i first got mod but mistakes happen, 2 other mods are in training also so they are learning with him. Quickflame he did disrespect you but you need evidence of actually hacking admitting could just be a joke like he said but it was a mistake and you will learn from them. It is up to @ScoFu13 also advertiser is banned.
Ok as for Quick threatening to ban for "admittance of hack", he is wrong. I have spoken to him and clarified what is required for a ban. Also, about him "being in the way".... deal with it. It is going to happen, we have to get up close and personal sometimes to record and catch hackers. We do not block any arrow shots or swords hits on purpose. If you see a mod blocking on purpose, please gather viable evidence and report them. He has only been a moderator for 2 days now, one day at the time of this post. He has a lot to learn, it is not easy to learn everything at once, it takes time. It takes everyone time. What you said in Portuguese, block... were you saying that to quick?
********** ********** ** ********** ********** **************** ********** ********** ********** ********** ********** **********sadly, that doesn't show him directing that at you
After he asked me, do you know Portuguese? He said it, so I was guessing it was to me. either way it's not very polite..
Okay, because he kept threatening me like " ban me right now" and making it like I was afraid to stop him from his wrongdoing.
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