Your ingame name: LizardKeeper13 The offender's ingame name: Zero_Inzanity A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Trespassing, Coming On My Island With To Permission, There Was no entrence to my island from my shop. (he /jumped to my island) Evidence/screenshots
when he says `Im Leaving Right Here' in the screen shot. he ment his disconnecting right there. and I couldn't get him off. I even told him 3 reasons to get off (1. Ghast Greifers 2. Setting a warp 3. Stealing Ideas) He lied. he didn't disconnect, he went into /v and got a ghast to try to blow my island up, plz help.
Oh wait.. I forgot that part... but I swear he was trespassing and I kept repeating telling him get off, and then he left, them came back and started doing it again, I didn't get a screenshot of him on my island, but I have proof of him saying some words that prove he was on my island in the picture @PopIs_MyLife Also can u reply to my mod app? I asked you a question about how I Lied