So i recently hopped on the oppvp gamemode on mineverse to see how things were going, and i was abruptly kicked randomly getting this message This happened around 6:30 pm central standard time, 21/1/14 I'm not too sure what's I said.... I didn't advertise, not that I know of...
the only thing i can remember that even sounds like "advertising" was me saying this referring to my channel and fan base, found this in my tab, perhaps the terrible chat filter read com as advertising? "com" referring to commentary... but i never typed any links or anything.
Someone who can chat ban logs will have to see what you said but sometimes you say one thing and thinks your advertising but the console does that
sometimes when you say something like a bunch of numbers or something the console thinks its wrong, it will kick you and think your advertised. Then when you come back on usually it mutes you, I dont understand much of why the console does this but its there to protect the chat.
It is english.... A bunch of numbers Console thinks your advertising kicks you you come back on mutes you. We don't know why.