ign:tehbeatles her ign:PandaBear__ rule they broke/how they broke it:disrespect banning me after the owner i think or the cow owner unbanne dme bec i got accused of buying people premium and one of them got their rank back so i think i got un banned evidence/screen shot
First off, the 'cow' owner did not unban you after he restored DoctorDistructo's rank back. You were banned for extreme disrespect and tp trapping on OPPvP. Max never got the chance to ban you. http://www.mineverse.com/threads/oppvp-tehbeatles-tpa-trap-disrespect-max-banned.33509/ You never made a ban appeal either... You should've been banned.
http://www.mineverse.com/threads/oppvp-tehbeatles-tpa-trap-disrespect-max-banned.33509/ Look at this report.
First off, you are reporting the wrong moderator. Second, because you were unbanned for one thing doesnt preclude you from being banned for something else. Please do not report our staff for invalid reasons. You may make your ban appeal in the ban appeal section on our forums. Locking and Archiving due to invalid report.