Zero_Inzanity- admits that he hacks and always gets critical every time he hits me and doesn't miss a hit and i was wearing my protection 4 and he 3 hits me every time without pots. Noodleman23- uses kill aura he gets so many hits on me that i go in the air and fly back. Please make them stop hacking In game username: Collin555 forums name: justin393
I always use potions i use a axe and my skill is in the 600 so i have a high chance to critical and you reported for the fourms. not on factions and next time provide proof
Zero is right no proof on him and zero dose not hack just high axe skill and i no that zero will never go out to pvp with out potions and with his axe skills so high he will always get a critical hit
sorry but admitting it doesn't give enough evidence. And you need solid proof of them hacks etc. Closing.