In game name: Lego_batman_1 Offender's name: @sienathebanana Rule he or she broke: Being rude to @Fruit1k by calling him a toliet.
OMFG. Look kid. Me and fruit were skyping. Ask Vjigglez.. In the furnace room I did ./hat with a stone slab and it looked like a toilet lid. Lol you can even ask fruit cx It's a joke <3
Fruit is a she. Ask Thorraks. He was in the call for about 20 mins with us. We were laughing and joking. Fruit and me were joking around. Ask her.
Oh and by the way. This is really dumb. Next time you report someone, try to know what's actually going on.
This is true we were all skypin and there girls not boys. This is a false report and thorrack1 was in the call aswell.
They told me to say that lol they said I should try get into jail thorraks didn't care ok dude this isall fake @thorraks1 im not joking right