ok men jag kommer inte spama mer jag var bara glad att jag fick Tasta detta kommando ber jag gör Kör aldrig mer där och jag kommer inte att göra så jag tästade bara skriva så att inte förbjuda jag bara gjorde lite spam Philip320
I do not wanna get ban and I'm a kind person and I will not do so I know that you do not get spam but I want Tasta command it was pretty fun for me Never operate, use the Command / g && 1b Philip320
I do not wanna get ban and I'm a kind person and I will not do so I know that you do not get spam but I want Tasta command it was pretty fun for me Never operate, use the Command / g && 1b Philip320
There. English. So, if you're sorry 'bout it, and wont do it again, does that mean this can be locked?
I'll Never operate more make this mrparkourguy I understand if it's a pain but I do not do so more ok? succinctly and clearly please no ban for the trifle I spammed in a type in 20
I'm going to leave it there so people see the offense and understand you've apologized. Calm yourself. Please.
I just want all the health Skywars play I will never spam and I apologize for what I have done, I do not like it. I promise!
Thank you for your report. The reported player has been warned. This thread has been moved to Reports - Archives.
Thank you for your report. The reported player has been warned. This thread has been moved to Reports - Archives.