Your ingame name: vJigglez The offender's ingame name: Cacciatore87/Johul A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Banned evading Evidence/screenshots. MinkyChinky is a friend of Johul and Johul said to him "Accept my tp im Johul" using the account Cacciatore87 . I would like to have this account ip checked please because im sure he is Banned Evading. And other thing Cacciatore87 is hacking atm ill record him probs just for you mods <3
Do you have any evidence? There is no possible way for any of us [Including the owner] to check IP's due to our ddos protection.
Well I would have had some but my OLD FRIEND MinkyChinky who ended our friendship by stealing my super golden apple has the evidence so no sorry
As there is another report up against johul ban evading on Cacciatore87 I will close this, we don't need 2 reports for the same thing if it's pending.