Your ingame name: h0useatriedes The offender's ingame name: bradg14 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: They offered to upgrade me from VIP-MVP for 10k and never did. He also never gave back my 10k and refuses that the transaction ever happened. I don't have evidence of that transaction, but a lot of people are on my side for this. I know that this is not very good evidence, but I never took a screenshot. :(
Brad, you got rank God from items that McProster gave you after they scammed me... You work together to scam.
And U Have No proof Of this So I will Report for u Mistreating Someone With all the screenshots Of u Disrespecting Me So Stop acussing if u don't have proof
Not enough evidence, sorry. Please make another report if you feel that you have more evidence. Closing.