1.rei1230 2.thehiddenone143 3. Hacking some evidence is when he hit the other guy he comes right back attack me 4.
I've seen this report already it was invalid http://www.mineverse.com/threads/kit-pvp-thehiddenone143-lack-of-evidence.31135/#post-311142
http://www.mineverse.com/threads/kit-pvp-thehiddenone143-lack-of-evidence.31135/#post-311142 it was denied he dosnt hack
I know Hidden as i go to school with him, He constantly spams F5 since he has a razer deathadder and has his DPI all the way up to 1500 and his sensitivity is at Hyperspeed
THIS ISNT YOU VIDEO http://www.mineverse.com/threads/kit-pvp-thehiddenone143-lack-of-evidence.31135/#post-311142 Ringo reported me with HIS video and it was invalid