Your ingame name: Ducky_Puppy The offender's ingame name: Shorty_Dion A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: He threatened to get me banned if I didn't give him 5k and also spamming me. Evidence/screenshots.
You couldn't care less about the rules, if any1 else did this you wouldn't rly care. Your just mad at shorty and any him banned.Yes i agree shorty did the wrong thing but 4 a ban no way.He should be warned.
I don't even know Shorty... I do care about the rules, They are the only thing I care about when I report them. Without rules Mineverse would be filled with hackers ect.
Ducky how would it be filled with hackers.Mods do a great job banning people if u have a problem with them become a mod and do it yourself.if your so passionate about banning people and helping the server why don't you become a mod?
Cool well if it dosnt get accept u should rly think about the stupid and waste of time reports. Actually sorry it's not a stupid report its just the punishment is asking a little to much. It's the first time (that I know of) that shorty has done anything wrong. Why do others get a chance but he dosn't. it's rly not fair if shorty gets banned, but its also unfair if he gets out of this without a warning.