Sorry if this isn't acceptable, but this is my first mod report done, and i'm nervous about it, but i'm sick of hackers on Mineverse. Your ingame name: __EliteGamer__. Moderator name: Fryzigg. A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Not banning a player, after being over a week, of the report being accepted. Evidence/screenshots. <-- Original Thread This report was accepted Tuesday last week, and it's been 1 week, and she hasn't banned him. Sorry if this report is invalid.
But the thing is, before the ban list reset, TheGamerBeastFTW wasn't banned, so he was unbanned the whole time. That's the thing that annoys me. But don't worry, I have another clip of him hacking which I just recorded.
I did but all bans were reset so he was basically ban for 4 days because the ban was on last monday and the reset was last friday
He was on almost every day of last week, but okay, Lock this thread please. If that's what you believed happened.