Your ingame name: William335a The offender's ingame name: zapperby A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: kill aura hacks. If you can see more hackers in the video ban them. I think someone more hacked in the video. Evidence/screenshots. Ya
Your almost always in an enclosed area... Honestly it looks like it but anyone can get hits on you when you're in an enclosed area...... He didn't spin his head or anything either
******************************************************************I don't see any hacks here. Anyone else sees?
Thanks hider21 IP check if someone here being banned and Iwatfaffles why hack on crazydin0saur??. You maybe did't hacked in the video but i had fighted you that time when you hacked. If you are Ieatwaffles
So let me say what I wanna say.. First of all Ieatwafflez is always the first to defend Hackers like these.. Everytime Im in kitpvp I see These Guys.. Like CrazyDin0saur Zapperby, And YOLO708 hackin their Small Anus's off. And Monkey_boy told me that these guys are part of this hacker squad... (AKA The dick suckers) And we all know how to feels when your fighting someone and they have hacks it basically ruins the game. BUT! There is something Suspicious going on cause for all these people In this Hacker squad (AKA The dick suckers) The ones that get reported ieatwafflez is always the first to defend his Fellow Dick sucker... So I Think this is all a Squad they created planning on ruining The fun on MV!
He could be your brother but who the do we know its not you playing on his account which it probably is..
One more thing Scrub.. Look at this Clearly in this link The Report is About CrazyDin0saur and Clearly In this report you First commented saying "I didin't even turn in your direction" Do you see how you said "I" ? Yea I Meaning as in YOU Pretty Self Explanatory right? So you practically just admitted to playing on your "Brothers Account".. Which you have been making an excuse of your "Brothers account" When its really you the whole time... OH BOIII <3
No one should be posting here unless you are directly related, or adding more evidence. Warning points have been added to those who posted, and for extreme disrespect. Also this player has been banned already by PandaBear__ here