Your ingame name: jjj4671 Moderator name: @kitkat6605910 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: they 1. Won't respond to me. 2. I am asking he she for EVIDENCE Of me being banned, she as I can see on other posts are responding and not with mine I see my good friend @IN1NJAI will agree also because of his post. I would like to see evidence WHY I was banned because I honestly have no idea @romar @Justincadette25 @burton_alcide Evidence/screenshots.
There is no need to report Kitkat over this, be patient. Maybe something in real life came up and she hasn't been able to respond. @kitkat6605910 @ScoFu13
... Max wouldn't she tell Somone?? Or he idk but really I love mv and wanna know why I was banned maybe u guys can provide a link to this bull @ScoFu13 @MaxNinja10
And that's not good evidence max.. She has been active 2 hours ago ... I highly doubt she HASNT HAD the time too look at my post but talk to ratchet about Selena Gomez??!?!?!?!?
First off, you don't have to report a mod because of this. Second, you need to be patient. Reporting a mod because of this is just out of control.
But INIja can report and that is pending?? Not trying to start a fight I just wanna enjoy mineverse. Also u can check my video of getting anders something banned. Why would I hack? I don't need kit Kat here just please provide me with the evidence that's all I'm asking .:
All bans require proof and a current administrator must have seen proof for a ban to be held. No proof has to be shown to a banned user, however. Thats in the rules Kitkat doesnt have to show it :/
So I can't see why I was banned and prove it wrong? She's obviously trying to avoid this and @KingAlex leave this to the staff thanks
If you ask on a ban appeal for evidence, the mod doesn't need to show it if he/she doesn't want to. So if she is 100% sure you hacked, she doesn't have to show any evidence to you.
So I'm banned forever for what I don't know I did?? So that's settled I guess... But back to the appeal, does it say in this imaginary rule book that she doesn't have to respond to me and talk to. Rachet about Selena Gomez?
So she can? But she would like u know ... Have to be present and after all this talk about her she is not gonna favor me so..
First off, you do not need to see the evidence that you were banned. As long as KitKat has her evidence, it will be okay. I will speak to KitKat about the appeal and ask if she needs another mod to take it incase she is busy atm. If KitKat wants to, she will show you the evidence, but it is not required. This situation will be settled when she responds to the ban appeal, which will be as soon as I am able to get to her. Please be patient with this. (Time zones, she lives in Australia). As I said before, I will speak to KitKat about this appeal. Please think twice before making an appeal for something that can be settled out via PM (messaging Kit or the other mods). Closing.