In-Game name- cooljjack Full exact Ban Message: Banned - Hacks - Appeal @ ~ VaMeSa Game mode banned on: Kit PvP Did you read the rules ? Yes. Why do YOU think you were banned? For hacking. Was this an incorrect ban? No. Were you ever banned before on Mineverse? If so, what for? Yes, for hacks. Why do you think you should be unbanned? I think I should be unbanned because I really do wan't to play in general because I love this server and I do promise It won't happen again, all I do is wan't to play for fun, and not get this PRIVILEGE of playing on this server taken away from me because of my stupid repetitive mistakes.... I mean, if it helps I've been banned for quite a while, and I do think you guys should give another chance to me, just so I can prove my self. I will never repeat this mistake ever again, and I promise no more problems to the staff or the general server. Thank you!
You have been banned in the past for hacks. Mods have given your many chances. This was taken directly from your last appeals. You promise to never hack again, and that you learned from your mistakes. Yet you are banned again for hacking. How can I trust you again? After all your chances you were given by past mods.
Because before i have never really learned my consequences because i have been banned for like a month, the other times i was imature and never had time to think about it but now i have seriously learned. 1 more chance then i am perm banned.
How do I know that you actually learned your lesson? I do not want this appeal to be a waste of time.
You really can't know for sure but if you give me some time to prove myself you will see that you made the right decision to play on this wonderful ADDICTING server
Don't make me regret this. I don't want to see your name ever in the ban appeal section. I will give you some time, so you don't have an excuse that you didn't have enough "time" to learn your lesson. You will be unbanned on the 18th.