1. Philip320 2. RachetClanks or Hyperpigman 3. 4. http://www.mineverse.com/threads/ra...320-trapping-w-william335a.30701/#post-305885 http://www.mineverse.com/threads/philip320-tp-trapping-banned-hyper.30706/ Who was right? It was probably hyper he chides always the stuff that other mods do
I do not know what to say. He knew that it was in a room and he did tpa to me He had not thought that I was somewhere else
not what i asked, why have you made two reports about this, please stick to othe other report as that is more developed
Can i helping little scofu That was already handled sorry to post in the report the video was posted two times @ScoFu13 going to scool in 8 hourse now and hyper banned the next on the first told Rachet no trapp there and the was the same video. Hyper tell me That
Well this is how it is. A report philip every closed for lack of evidence of rachet. and then scratches up Ijoacok same video again and then where he banned it every fault of hyperpigman and he can not answer me issue-send the link. http://www.mineverse.com/threads/rachet-lack-of-evidence-phillip320-trapping-w-william335a.30701/ http://www.mineverse.com/threads/philip320-tp-trapping-banned-hyper.30706/ see scofu same video @ScoFu13 see the video philip scamm again this is the same video on the boths report
Ok, I will ensure the mods do a better job at recognizing repeat videos. It is hard with the many reports that run through here to remember individual videos, but we will do better. Thank you.