TheHiddenOne143 Lionbdcraft Hacking This video was used to get me banned. Little did me and the mods know lionbdcraft had hacks also, notice how he can see name tags through walls and that they are MUCH bigger Mineverse Hackers | TheHiddenOne143:
How the heck is this nametags ;-;. lol nice try bud, I think you should stop using your client. You quite frankly don't know what NAMETAGS are. I actually want you to try mc itself, without hacks and play it. Tell me how my nametags make it different sir.
Explain how you can ser the name throw the walls? If you played your video in 1080p you would see the name clearly
As much as I'd love to help here, I'm not up to date on hacks and how they work. I'm preparing for my daily job and would need to do some research on the "hack" accused of before I could pass judgement with a clear mind.
It's nametags. If you go ingame they are NEVER that big and you csnt see them through walls like I pointed out.
It might just be the user's resource pack. I don't see how name tags affect the game play in any way. This report is invalid. Closing.