If you're referring to her not telling people to use the form, that's up to her lol. So what's the problem now?
She has broken no rules? What is this about? We do require people to use the format, but from time to time, we may not have the time to wait for it depending on the deed that was done. also by the looks of it, they were already muted so it was a duplicate report.
She has not done the report properly. The last message was supposed to be "This player has been warned. Thank you for your report." Not "Thanks. I muted him."
That has nothing to do with anything. She can put a custom message if she oh so desires, don't try to get on her for replying as she pleases lmao. The reply is automated if you use the regular moderation tools, so gg.
There is nothing to take serious... You can either press a button for a pre written message or write a custom one. There is nothing wrong here...
There is no rule that a mod has to use the generic multi-mod system. The report was handled and handled to standard. Please don't report staff for silly things like doing their job.