@TheHiddenOne143 @bluediamond89 I find his profile picture offensive (well at least to me) as its basically saying f**k you as the frog is flipping you off.
To my opinion that it say's you 20 years of age and you should be mature. Yet i'm 11 years of age and i don't care about this as i'm mature M8
Do not post illegal and/ or derogatory material. This includes Pornography, malware, torrents, etc. Rule broken :/ Inappropriate behavior refers to any behavior that shows any intolerance towards race, disability, sexual orientation, religion and belief or inflammatory comments directed at other members. Profile violation refers to the use of inappropriate content within either of the following A) Avatar B) Signature C) 'About me' D) 'Website E) 'Location'. If staff believe the content is reasonable you will not receive any punishment. Inappropriate content is defined as anything that violates skyblock rules which includes but is not limited to pornographic, intolerant or unlawful content.
I relies what the rules are, I'm just saying to ME it's offensive. And if the mods could ask him nicely to change it.
I will nicely ask him to change it for you. I will keep this open so other Mods can share their opinion if they feel as if they must.
I don't think this is necessary. It's a drawn picture...of a cartoon. For all you know, it could be his pointer finger. Just because its up there doesn't necessarily make it the middle finger. It's obviously not intended to flip anyone off because of hate, its just a picture that the guy likes.
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