Your ingame name: Nicksterpo The offender's ingame name: Brgdude A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: The offender ( brgdude ) had obtained lava some way which is illegal. I have no proof or knowledge that he actually killed people with it, but he was carrying it. Heres a screen shot on ScreenSHU Evidence/screenshots.
Thanks for the report. Nicksterpo is going to be jailed for 2 days for having lava. I'll have a talk with Brgdude about facing the wall at a later date.
LDM its really hard to proove he had the lava when i killed him... If i had the lava why would i even report it...
Either way ill take the jail, will give me time to do other things. On a side note, i personally don't approve you of being a new guard and neither do quite few others on the server. Honestly I should of had benefit of the doubt.
Use your intelligence. There's no way to prove someone had something if you gain their items after you kill them. Dispose of the item and move on. As for your disapproval of my being guard; all I can say is everyone is entitled to their opinions. I get more people private messaging me saying that I'm doing a great job, than I have people like you complaining about it. I do appreciate you taking the time to display your displeasure on the forum, instead of just in chat, repeatedly. It's telling me that I'm doing my job properly.
Honestly, people probably think your doing a great job and i don't want to start a flame war or anything here but i don't. Just personal preference i guess. Keep doing your job and i apologize if i may of had obscured feelings towards you before and or you were offended, Good day.
Ps. The regard of me spamming / Pming you about this i would never do. Its quite idiotic and intolerable, ive experienced it before and it was awful.
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