Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: Duncanista The offender's ingame name: Changeh Changehh and Hrary A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Sign HUMPING Evidence/screenshots. First screenshot after they hump: Hrary (the new owner of the plot admiting he hump with the other guys)
******************************************************************************************They aren't blocking the sign much...
I do not see any images of me sign humping? I did not sign hump either nor will I admit It because I DIDNT. Even myself i said specifically 3 blocks back. No one did. People just went closer when I had said that. As you see in my image above I was roughly 3 blocks away. That does not that I was sign humping. Your in-game name there was PlacesBlocks not Duncanista
there's another report about that, with more evidence. Thanks you for the report. Closing.