Your ingame name: Skillbill63 The offender's ingame name: William335a A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Evidence/screenshots. The hits William gets are from amazing distances, out of the ping limitation this server normally provides. The only reason I have reported William as I did seem him toggle on aimbot by accident that was sadly not recorded at the time. But the things I realised here that William does crazy damage hitting almost of his hits from great ranges when he is not even in contact with me directly. But what I ask William is why is he so bad when he is recording and not when he isn't recording? It's not fps drop as I see perfect fps in his videos. I wonder why... :eh
So you just admitted to knowing how to install hacks by taunting me you know how to install hacks saying it's "EASY". . Then you show your emepty version folden that prooves nothing but showing that you can remove your client. Well done. THEN you say to me " you don't know how to install hacks". Soo... why have you reported me 10 times saying I hack!? :L btw nice alt. How many more do you have?
I assumed you are William overwise I would be questioning you why are you commenting on this thread breaking the rules?
That makes no sense at all. Accusing someone their William just because he doesn't agree with you or questioned you. Also this is false evidence, William doesn't hack in this video. The thirst between you and William and Philip is going out of control. Both of you know that you both don't hack but, your tryin to get each other banned. Your PvP style makes him look like he hack because your screen is going wild. Look at the vid yourself and you can see that you screen is going in circles and makes him hit you easier and quicker
"Accusing someone there william just because they don't agree with you". How pathetic are you. Read my posts so I do not have to repeat myself. I assumed he is William, otherwise why is he commenting on this thread because he is not related. That I could say the same with you. I have reported him once. Do you have a problem? You could say that with William ^^^ :eh
this was not just hacks you post this on me because I recording you hacks. and video laggde broken. this was no evidence
this was not the hacks you can put the settings on your vision. one has to get fighta without getting banned. I do not hack, and would never do it. this video just proves that you are a Noob on minecraft.
OMG! You guys both recorded each other! Why can't you just conclude that he doesn't hack, idk about william, he just wan'ts you banned out of hatred ,but clearly you don't hack! He doesn't either. Dayum you guys have problems
how can I hack I run with 1.7.10 with Optifine. and you know you can change your mouse-speed To be good is not necessarily hacking
william, I probably know about hacks more then anyone here, you can have optifine running with hacks, it comes with it sometimes. I'm not saying you do hack but make sure you know what you're saying first.
Then why did you say" how can I run hacks with 1.7.10 optifine" If you knew you never would've said that, ( not trying to be mean or anything ) it kinda makes you look like a fool...
I have not hacked foe nearly 10 months why would hag do it now. I do not hack it is a problem in the head if you think I hack
i don't see any hacks here to be honest, he wasn't spinning his head around so that takes kill aura out of the question, anti kb isn't plausible, and aimbot isn't either as he missed quite a few hits on you. awaiting a second moderator opinion.********************any other ideas?******************