1. IGN : UniQue_GhosT 2. Offenders IGN: DiamondDevil9 3. A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Misleading messages and Tp killing/trapping. 4. Evidence: ( Screen shots )
Lol, he didn't do that though, it says "your consent to die" I didn't know I was going to die, he said " Tp for raid" as it show above in one of my screen shots above. So this doesn't contribute to the rules , but only brakes them. Thats why I said " MISLEADING MESSAGES" Please pay more attention.
And I'm not here to care about how you think the rules work. You typing /tpa "insert name here" means you're giving your consent to die. You're saying "Oh well, I trust this guy, if he kills me, whatever" The rule was added for that exact reason. Just no.
That's not consent, I didn't expect it, he literately said , " tp for raid ". Explain how I know that I was going to die, there is no consent here.
Before reporting someone, I'd make sure you understand the rules 100%. Vamesa, I'm surprised you didn't lock this on sight. As for it being consent, yes, it is. You're agreeing to accept whatever happens by trusting the guy with a possible lie. You don't need to know what's going on to give consent, which no, you did give consent, whether or not you said "OH KILL ME PLS" Rules. So op.
NO, Are you stupid?! I agreed to tp because I want'ed a raid! He lied and misleaded me so that is bannable.
You're trying to tell ME the rules? And that I'm stupid? You really should play more before assuming I have zero clue what the rules are lmao. As for the report, my words are final on it. But oh wait, you're going to say that doesn't matter, but then again, those are your words, and you've already been wrong on two things. Thanks for the report though ^^.
Like Terrick said above, tp killing is legal no matter what. It's your fault for tp'ing to him. Never trust anyone on Factions. ;) Thanks for the report, though.