I logged on today on skyblock only to find that all my efforts to collect over 950k were in vain? Where is my money, I want it back. I have 2 accounts with over 1.9 million together, when i am going to get them back?
When i say something it's a fact. I m not the only one with this problem on the server. The pics with my money are on the link and the pic without money below. http://www.mineverse.com/threads/skyblock-millionaires-club.18937/
You incompetent child. I have WORKED years to get the amount of money I USED to have. You don't understand how much effort we have put into the game mode just to have it reset. The config files should have past records of money with players so be more understanding of what we are going through. Sorry if this comes of rude I'm just pissed off. EDIT: Im the unlucky one now because I don't have some random screenshots of my balance. No one will have these screenshots so you are technically saying screw us.
#Staff Disrespect Everything has to reset over time. I play factions all the time and that reset, You should be happy for a new start. (Please no infraction points ;-;)
Oh and how in the world will we be able to give you the money? We have no idea what happened to your money, nor can we do anything about it.
Another incompetent child. YAY. You don't understand kid. I have put years of work to make the balance go to 700k. Just reseting the money was a god awful idea and I have seen many players quit because of this. Stop being a kiss up and get off this thread because you are ignorant to the idea of me losing hundreds of thousands of dollars. I am not just going to be "Ok" with this. Give me infraction points whatever but you guys don't understand in the slightest bit what me and my friends are going to feel when our money is simply reset to 500!
Years of hard work on a game... lol. Mineverse has only been up for a year and a halfish. I'd understand how you would be angry if you lost this in real life but this is in a game. You're acting like this is real life.
It doesn't matter where you dedicate your efforts, in a game or real life Ducky an effort is an effort. I ve been playing for over 6 months here I will not have them be in vain because some lunatic decided to reset the money. If someone brakes into your house and destroys everything you own, feel free to feel happy for the opportunity of a fresh start, I will hunt him down and feed him to the dogs.