Your ingame name: mind_trap The offender's ingame name: uriagus99 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Island Trespassing, Disrespect, Mob Griefing, Stealing. The user jumped out of my shop in an area that is out of limits, flew into my slime farm and started killing my slimes and stealing their loot. I asked him several times to leave the island but he kept ignoring me in total disrespect and instead of leaving he went in /vanish. After I told him that he is reported he kept coming back wasting my time. Please ban this disrespectful user. Evidence/screenshots.
I was just seeying ur is and I saw ur unlimited slime farm so I start killing they. I dont do nothing bad. I cant understand why people report me for nothing. I was just saying
Sorry for posting here, This does not prove anything he says leave now ... how is that offensive! Btw god are allowed do /fly :3 ~Flux
***************************************************************************Is there something against the rules here?
*********************************************Well yeah he said uriagus got into the shop and tresspassed the door or something and got into his island and killed his slimes.
Sorry, but there is a lack of evidence here so I'm going to close the report, but if you get more evidence please feel free to make another report. Closing.