We were doin a livestream and at about 15:00 you can see a mod hacking or used /fly and flew and killed me and my friend! link: and my friend said they did not use a ender pearl cause they did not have any effects Your ingame name: unslainable123 Moderator name: mindterri or mineterri i could not see A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: fly hacking or maybe /fly Evidence/screenshots. on link
Enderpearls are purchasable with /shop, in game. Mineterria did nothing wrong. Still, tagging @ScoFu13 so that he can review this.
Hey sorry to post here but if you look closely at about the time he opend his chest and look at the island in front of him it kinda looks like he was flying around and hitting him.
You can clearly see it is an enderpearl, he already has bought things from the skywars shop as he did the armor and diamond sword. He then switches to the pearl, throws it, then back to the sword. He then appears at the other island where he threw it. He didnt fly, it would have been much slower than that. There are no rules broken here.